Friday, December 11, 2009

Solstice musing

I may have posted this last winter ...

Fridays would be great if I didn't have to get a shot. It's been only the past year that I've come to very much dread the short trip to the doc's office. The shot itself is no bother as the nurses are very good (and pretty). The doctor is talking of retiring, but she has not set a date; I dislike going to new doctors. I've been seeing her for 16 years and getting the shots nearly every week for 10 years; she is probably as tired of me as I am of going to get the shots.
Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th? When the Roman Julian Calendar was established, it was the date of Winter Solstice. Traditionally, when Jesus was born the Julian Calendar was in effect over all the Roman Empire which included Judea and most of the Western "civilized" world. I suppose it is coincidence that one of the oldest Pagan celebrations was chosen as the birth date of the Son of God.

Nohow, I greatly anticipate and do celebrate to a small extent the true Winter Equinox, which will be in 10 more days: December 21. Christmas will be just another day; last year I drove around the countryside making photos on the holiday; no special meals, get-togethers, presents, or anything of importance is planned for this year. However, I do celebrate the joy and peace which the Christmas season brings to friends and family whom observe the rites and rituals. It is a happy time in most ways.
Congress has gutted the Healthcare bill and is now cutting back on proposed penalties for Wall Street corporations that raped American investors. Well done Congress; well done Mr. President; well done voters whom put "need for real change" into high office. Same old same old.
Sometime try multiplying 111,111,111 x 111,111,111.


Anonymous said...

You wrote: "no special meals, get-togethers, presents, or anything of importance is planned for this year ...", but I’m sure - my friend - you'll buy a little gift for Carolyn, and I’m sure that it'll be a nice green tree in your flat too.

My husband is an agnostic, but I think that actually he likes Christmas much more than me.;-))
xo ...

Anonymous said...

There are several reasons we will not have a big Christmas this year, but never the less, we will do something to make the day enjoyable. I hope you and D have a lovely holiday. :-)
Thanks, Jola.

Mark said...

It is tough to find a doctor that we think is compatible with our own personalities.

I bet most Christians do not know thay they have "borrowed" a holiday from the Pagans for the birth of Christ.

i do like Christmas as a holiday in the fact that there is joy running through peoples veins. However since I worked in retail for so many years I also came to dislike much of it because people also became rude, pushy and generally unlikable all in the name of getting some stupid gift.

The healthcare plan will be nothing by the time it is done. They will take what they can get and move on to the economy as the next project. You can see it happening already.

Anonymous said...

Christian's Easter was a Pagan spring ritual for centuries before Jesus died. Most folks don't know that the Virgin Birth of Jesus was also borrowed from Buddha.

Yep; the healthcare was all thunder and no lightning and it will be that way with anything as long as big money rules.

Thanks, Mark.

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