Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bah! Humbug!

Wisdom is that intangible understanding which comes naturally to the old, is admired by the young, and appreciated by no one.

~ kwa
We now have a Christmas tree! It is our first in many years and hopefully it will last as long as we do. It is a small, plastic, pre-lighted tree and seems somewhat Charlie Brown-ish, which adds to its charm. It stands in front of the office window somewhat blocking my view of girl's house across the street. Folks, I've never seen a child's eyes light up the way Carolyn's did from the time she removed the tree from the box and got it up with the lights shinning. She got up this morning and began putting our meager decorations out for people to see; a couple of Santa throw pillows, a music playing Coca-Cola bear, a few figurines which were hand painted by my friend Steve whom passed away a few years back, and a few other whatnots.


Anonymous said...

Lights, stars, shinning lights and golden ribbon. Christmas tree is beautiful.
I love your Carolyn!
xo ...

Tammy said...

Ken what you describe is merely Carolyn's WHIMSY. something that one must hold on to, in my opinion, no matter the age. If you lose your WHIMSY you might as well be a cabbage worm. I can appreciate her joy in the smallest of things, even the Charlie-Brownish tree.

We are making ravioli. It is a weekend-long process. I am covered head to toe in flour but at peace.

happy sunday. enjoy your tree!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jola.
I will tell her you like her tree. I like it too. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tammy.
She is having a good time with her tree, and am enjoying it also. Whimsical is the very word to describe her since she bought the tree which I now call Charlie Brown. Target has an authentic Charlie Brown replica tree which I love. :-)

You must make ravioli the way we make chili. We begin on Friday afternoon and hopefully it will be ready to eat by Saturday night.

Mark said...

Well I guess I will put up my tree today. I have the yard sale tree. I bought a white tree and some old ornamnets for $10.00 at a yard sale a couple of years ago.

I think maybe I should put it in the front yard.

Anonymous said...

I like the white trees; we had one in my early teens. I remember we had bubble lights on it.

Mark said...

I will get some pics of it for you.

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