Thursday, December 03, 2009

I am a tree
Dedicated to John and Milly Sloan
January 2008

My eld is of decades
Great limbs have broken
Where leaves were many
My sap is but token

Yet straight I stand
Still solid and tall
I have withstood the ages
I have refused to fall
Moved to Lord Bubbha
Another of my buds from the old days—back when most of you were very young and I was very middle-aged—died last week; Leland Cash was two years my junior. He always drove a pickup truck or rode his Harley; I never did see him drive a car. He originally hailed from Connecticut, but lived near Jonesborough for many years. Lee was one of the good guys.
To comfort my clogged sinus, I now have a cold. I don't normally catch colds. I normally catch every stagnated, corrupted, felonious, and obnoxious mis-made disease that comes along, but I don't catch cold. I have a cold.


Tammy said...

so sorry to hear about your friend.

get better soon

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tammy.

Mark said...

Sorry about Leland. Us Connecticut Yankees are of a good stock.

Anonymous said...

For sure.

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