Friday, May 07, 2010



Got my shot after missing a week, and I am feeling the effects of missing one. My joints have been sore for a couple of days and they are now beginning to swell. My fingers feel like sausages, the kind that are about four inches long which they serve at family picnics after they've been grilled and plump up and you can eat them with your fingers or put them on a bun with favorite condiments like mustard or kraut and then drink a lot of beer with your uncle Roy; that's how my fingers feel. It will be about a week before I enjoy the first effects of today's fix, and about another week for me to get back to where I was. Until then, my presence on this wonderful blog and elsewhere will be limited. Allergies are running strong, still.
Have a wacky weekend!


Tammy said...

Hoping you get to feeling better and not just because you are my personal clown (no insult intended).
That is some pretty rough pollen. Our cars/trucks look like that in February which is when I suffer terribly as well. Have you a Nettie pot? I wonder if that would work for you.. it is a saline rinse. Takes some getting used to but it does help me. Also my mom swears by local honey and lots of it.
I'll toast my after-work Gin to you and your health my friend.

Anonymous said...

Ken, I appreciate your good sense of humor and your irony, nevertheless I'm so sad reading about your poor sore fingers. I hope you will be better soon. ... wacky weekend(?!) Nice. xox

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tammy; no insult taken. :-)
When sinus is worst, I suck up warm salt water from my hands; it does relieve the symptoms for awhile.

Honey is very good medicine for lots of common ailments. Sore throat, cough, earache, etc. My grandmother made a poultice with honey and ground mustard seed; it was supposed to pull infection from a wound. I dunno ...

Gin is also good medicine ... :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jola.
I wondered if anyone would catch the silliness of my long sentence. I live to write like that! :-)

My fingers will get by; a sore neck will be the worst hurt, but I've handled it many times before.

Wacky weekend! Do something silly; find that child from within you once more and buy her an ice cream cone with sprinkles; laugh at nothing; just laugh and have a great weekend. :-)

Maggie said...

you have a great week end too

no need to type a lot anywhere.


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Maggie.
It is weird, but I can type more accurately with stiff fingers. I do all my letter pecking with the ring finger of my right hand and with the middle finger of my left and I can better tell where they are hitting. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Alice,
I'm ok; a bit stiff and sore. I've been much worse. :-)

Mark said...

The pollen here has been gone for a couple weeks. Well never gone, but the yellow haze has gone away.

Anonymous said...

That is good news; ours should be easing very soon. But then comes hay mowing time and it will be back again, but not as bad.
Thanks, Mark.

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