Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Not much happening in Dullsville today. We are getting plenty of rain for a change, and life overall isn't too bad. Carolyn is playing with her flowers and insisting I make photos of them but I am about sick of my own flower shots for awhile; I get this way every spring. I can now turn my head, but bending my neck is still a problem. Just feeling better than I did Sunday is like walking away from death's door.
The BP oil spill is still spreading, but just like Washington politics, the public doesn't really know what is going on. I think the C.E.O. of BP should don his Speedos and be sent down to personally plug the leak. Instead he will most likely get a multi-million dollar bonus. Is it very stupid of me to ask why gasoline prices are dramatically rising as the wholesale cost of oil declines? Is it stupid of me to ask why Americans are so gullible? We are wed to the status quo.
The Megashot flowers contest will soon open to all members and they have some nice prizes for several winners. $300 is a second prize and a nice Nikon p&s camera is first prize. Even if you don't win, you should have fun playing the contest. Get at it!
Enjoy what is left of the fabulous Tuesday!


Tammy said...

I agree with the Speedo idea. glad to hear that you are feeling somewhat better. I have some brillant photos of my sunflowers although I am no photo taker. Maybe I'll enter my yellow beauties in the contest.
My maters' are starting to turn red. The snow peas are almost done producing. I cut a cabbage worm in half this morning and left him hanging there with his green guts as a warning to all the others. So far no green horn worms... I hate those guys.
Your photos of the hills were inviting and I can imagine perching up on a good solid rock for a long think. Rocks are a good place to sit and think.
Work put me on parttime so I'm off Mon & Fri. Good and bad news I guess. Have a healthy week Ken.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,
Please do join Megashot and bring your photos for the contest; at worst you will get to judge other people's work and that is pretty cool.
Wow! Our maters are just now in the pots and beginning to bloom. It will be at least a month before local ones come in. I think pests know who uses pesticide and who doesn't.
Rocks are good, and I like sitting on a clump of moss with my back against a half-rotted log. I hope I can make Mark into a bit of a hillbilly; I think he and the hills are a perfect fit.
Too bad about the work, but good to have some extra down time. Be well.
Thanks, my friend.

Mark said...

Well my little garden is sprouting peppers and I think I will have many of them very soon. Hooray for porch gardens.

Funny you mention gas rising while oil is dropping. I heard them talking about that on the radio today. No answers, of course.

He needs to wear a t-front instead of Speedos. I just do not want to see that picture.

Hell it really would not take much for me to become a hillbilly. I just need me a good Russian woman with all her teeth.

Anonymous said...

Can't be a genuine hillbilly and have teeth; I don't even have front teeth and still need to lose a few more to be taken seriously by locals as a genuine hillbilly.

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