Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Of ... By ... For ...

What has happened to Our America? Have the words of Lincoln which were etched in stone by the spilled blood of our nation's strength been eroded away by time and greed until they are now meaningless? Has "... government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" become an empty phrase used only by unscrupulous politicians¹ and others wishing to expound some selfish viewpoint?
"Of the people"
means we have decided to control our own destiny by electing a representative government and dear friends, that means to represent us and not personal agendas or special interests. We have failed miserably on this tenet².
"By the people"
means it is up to us to see that our representatives are working to protect and elevate the nation as a whole while keeping individual liberties as top priority. The sacred Constitution has been set aside by our elected government with our blessings; our leaders have taken control from us and of us. This is not tolerable in a free society.
"For the people"
means for the common good of all people who come under the protective umbrella of this nation's Constitution. As we stand today, only the privileged are fully covered by the common good; the remainder of us are here only for their support.
None of this is something some mythical "they" have brought upon us, it is from lack of Constitutional education in our schools and our individual greediness on a national scale. Don't wait for the politicians to tell us what should be done; know at least the basics of our marvelous Constitution and use self discipline, your voice, and the ballot box to forcefully retake control and again be "We the People". "People" is the third word in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America and it was capitalized on purpose; We are the People and We are to control Our destiny.
¹ Yes; I know that "unscrupulous politicians" are redundant words
² tenet: a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true. ~Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


Mark said...

We have forgotten all of this as a nation.

Anonymous said...

Sad ...

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