Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Rotten maters

Carolyn's maters are getting bloom-end rot; time for a dose of Epsom Salts. Cucumbers are sparse but tasty; same with peppers. Just too blasted hot for container growing; the roots are probably cooking.
Blood work today and skin doc tomorrow. I'm thinking of looking through the yellow pages to see if there are any doctors left in this town that ain't poked, prodded, cut on me, and relieved me of lots of money, and if there are, I should make appointments with all of them and get it over with. Phooey!
I was going to wonder if friend Mark got a good tan at the beach over the weekend, but I suppose I better not; he may still be in a foul mood.
The photo was overexposed so I developed the RAW format file using SilkyPix Developer Studio and it came out very well, I think. I waited until a cloud shaded the scene before making the shot so all I had to do was account for the bit of sky in background. You can get a one-month free trial of SilkyPix; just google.
Happy Wednesday!


Mark said...

I was not thrilled at all about the beach. I was a long day for nothin. Uggh.

blight on maters was a big problem last year, maybe it is carrying over to this season.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised that there were so few motels anywhere. Weekly condo rentals are the big thing.

Bloom-end rot is usually a weather related thing and pretty common on container grown maters; heat along with tap water washing all the nutrients out of the soil. I think the dose for mater plants is a tablespoon of Epsom salts once a moth. Tammy may know more about it than I do.

Thanks, Mark

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