Tuesday, March 02, 2010

"The Shadow knows ..."

I mentioned that my RA doctor was musing about the sad state of our medical system when I visited her Friday past. I also mentioned that I'd forgotten to have my blood work done before the office visit. Last evening she phoned me and said that according to my last blood work, my platelet count was low. This is lab work that was done and reported to her more than two months ago, and she is just now finding it. Yep, our medical system definitely needs a lot of improvement. I am going today and have blood work done once more; maybe the last one showed a false positive.
This evening I will drive Carolyn to Fall Branch and Boones Creek to clean the buildings. She will be out much later on Tuesday nights now because she lost another long-time account and was forced to cut an employee's hours. Things aren't good on the business front.
Have a tactful Tuesday!


Mark said...

Two months late on the report is a little bit of an issue.

Hopefully the test was wrong.

Tammy said...

The stories I could tell, being on the "inside" of a large medical office. HIPPA would string me up from a spanish moss-laden tree if I peep them. Hope your labs come back better. I have decided I have SDD - seasonal depressive disorder. Not sure if that is a proven syndrome but I feel it in my heart and my spirits are low, low, low. As soon as I feel the 1st whisper of spring I'll blow it your way Ken on a cloud of my best insence. I've already sent some of the robins back I suppose because I don't see so many of them anymore and the woodpeckers have arrived. Chased 6 squirrels off my back porch 2 days ago. One of which was so confused, poor dear. I had to trap her with the pool net and grab her (yes literally) through the net and help her out. I got to pet her little soft head and tail. I would have kissed her but I feel I had pushed my luck already. Gloomy Wednesday skies do nothing for my SDD. Toodles

Anonymous said...

I suppose doctors are human, too, but I wish she had been human with someone else's report and not mine. ;-)

Thanks, mark.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tammy.

I think a lot of people have your SSD; I'm reluctant to go outside at all in this crappy weather; it is snowing as I write this.

It is exciting to get to touch one of the fur balls; now all you have to do is begin enticing a youngster to sit on your knee and eat peanuts from your fingers. :-)

Mark said...

Of course there is SDD. If there was not then we would not care about weather.

Anonymous said...

I've caught a bad case of it, Mark. :-)

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