Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Sweet BP crude

Two farms
 Elements of an electrical transformer farm frame
silos of a working dairy farm near Sulphur Springs in
Washington County Tennessee

Will we one day be mining for oil in the Gulf of Mexico instead of drilling? The leaking crude is going somewhere and apparently only BP knows where and they aren't telling. If it is settling in tar balls on the sea floor, it someday may be worthwhile for someone to go after it. Of course, British Petroleum or its off-spring will claim ownership of free-range gobs. I agree with Robert Reich when he writes in his blog "It’s time for the federal government to put BP under temporary receivership, which gives the government authority to take over BP’s operations in the Gulf of Mexico until the gusher is stopped. This is the only way the public know what’s going on, be confident enough resources are being put to stopping the gusher, ensure BP’s strategy is correct, know the government has enough clout to force BP to use a different one if necessary, and be sure the President is ultimately in charge."

The only entity that stands to make a huge gain from the oil gushing into the sea is BP. Although its bottom line will suffer initially, it could benefit far into the future from higher oil prices this disaster is going to artificially create as soon as the leak is stopped, and from tax breaks and government subsidies. There will be saber-rattling in Washington, but Congress, the president, and much of the Supreme Court is controlled by business dollars, thus little real regulation of the oil drilling industry will be achieved. BP will most likely begin a public relations campaign aimed at drumming up sympathy for themselves as they tearfully apologize. No oil company that I know of has done more over the past few years to hoodoo Joe Citizen into believing it is environmentally responsible than has BP. Most of it was aimed at getting greater access to off-shore drilling rights, especially on Alaska's North Slope. The only reason gasoline prices haven't dramatically climbed over the past month is that no oil company wants to be seen as benefiting from this environmental disaster which will linger for generations. I believe oil prices will again begin to sharply climb soon after the well is capped or relieved. Checkmate; we lose. This is only my opinion.
We haven't heard much from friend Tammy; I hope her recovery is going well and she can soon be back to her garden and dance.
Looks like Carolyn may have fresh tomatoes to ripen within a couple of weeks ... if they somehow aren't picked and fried green. It would take a low-down dastardly husband to do such a deed. She also has a tiny pepper growing, but I don't expect the pepper and cucumber plants to do well. I told her they need lots of sunshine or they would grow spindly and produce small fruit and guess what? She is wondering why they are growing so spindly. They get only about three hours of direct sun each day whereas the maters get full sun nearly the entire day. I am the Rodney Dangerfield of this family; I can't get no respect. Some of my family must think of me as the old dumb-ass. I ain't the smartest man in the world, but I know what photosynthesis is and am probably the only one of these crackers that can even spell it. Phooey!
The Megashot flower contest has begun and you still have a month to enter up to three photos each day. I entered three yesterday, and one of them has advanced which just goes to show that you too can enter, have fun, and maybe even win one of the many great prizes.
Monday's holiday has me confused as to what day of the week it is; maybe I really am an old dumb-ass! Happy Wednesday!


Tammy said...

Hi all. I'm still kicking. I overdid it a few days and then had to rest some. I've been working and going to dance classes as well. I'm not moving as fast and am just walking through the dance routine but I think I can dance in the show on the 12th, just not with my usual articulate movements.
The tomatoes are coming full blast and I've only the energy to waddle out to the garden and watch as the cabbage worms take their fill. I hate them so and every year it reminds me why I hate planting veggies. Herbs and flowers don't draw those evil bugs and make me happier anyhow. I've been picking them green just to save them from holes and I wish you lived closer Ken so I could fry some up and we could share a beer and grumble about the bastards with their oil spill. Mike doesn't appreciate fried green maters as much as my southern kin do. Neither does he "get" the boiled peanut desire but that is another story.
I cannot honestly believe that the higher ups at BP aren't doing everything in their power to stop this. If there is such a person who would halt or hinder such efforts and if there is a hell, they are going. if this spill were visiable i.e. land mass, you bet more organizations would be involved. I realize our president feels bad and says "It is my responsibility" but so what? He can't fix it so those are words in the wind.
I'm taking the hormone replacement therapy as recommended but still feel the same. I've just been propelled straight through menopause and I'm not sure what I am now?? I'm waiting for some big change to hit me but it hasn't yet.
Hope all is well with my friends. Thanks for the well wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,

I think about everyone overdoes their ability in the first week or so after surgery. Baby steps.

Bugs and worms were second on the hate list in my grandma's garden. Weeds were her priority. Of course she used Sevin dust on her veggies but at the time, we didn't know how badly insecticide could destroy people's health and harm the critters that ate the bugs. Rachel Carson sure woke us up.

I suppose fried maters and boiled peanuts are a southern thing. Suits me if our northern reared comrades can't get into real gourmet dining.

Yeah, the oil company's "out of sight, out of mind" allowed all this to happen in the first place.

I got some of that presidential wind in an email this morning. An investigative committee is forming. You know the routine.

I don't know how things will go, but I suppose it will take awhile for your body to adjust to different conditions. Carolyn had the surgery so long ago I don't remember many details. Hope the balance is towards good health for you.

Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to read Tammy's comment.
Tammy, please, be careful. You are after surgery, so there is still a high risk of infection. Besides, you will be weak for some time (even 3 - 5 months), but if your ovaries weren't sick and you still have them, you shouldn’t be afraid of menopause.

Ken, I smiled while reading about your home, Carolyn and your plants. I like your irony.

There is an important religious holiday in my country tomorrow. I hope it will be a beautiful day for you too, my American friends.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jola,
I hope your Corpus Christi holiday is beautiful. :-)

Mark said...

I am sure BP is doing everything it can. The thing is they should have had plans for a disaster like this. Hard, but not impossible, to understand.

From what I hear BP can stand up to 40 billion dollars in payouts before they are in trouble. They have very very deep pockets.

There will be some hard lessons learned here and they had best not be forgotten.

Rachel Carson was so much of a blessing. We are really only waking up to this as a nation.

Anonymous said...

BP Has deep pockets, but they also have an investor base they want to hold on to.

Americans seem most vulnerable to forgetfulness.

I hope we finally are getting Carson's point.

Thanks, Mark.

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