Monday, June 14, 2010

Elect me and I promise I will do good!

 It's a ... what the hell is that?

Every person who is of  Hispanic lineage is in this country legally should immediately move to Arizona and set up tent cities in every public park they find.
I feel that sooner or later (hopefully not too late) the government is going to have to jump-start the economy by shifting the tax burden from the middle class to the wealthy and large corporations. People are going to need to have two things before a real recovery is possible; extra spending money and hope. The money will come from tax breaks; the hope will come from jobs being created. As I understand it, corporate America is sitting on huge amounts of money they are willing to invest in new manufacturing facilities and jobs but first they are going to have to see consumers willing to spend and it isn't happening because the economy is still in a pinch. If this tax relief doesn't come about soon, normal spending by the middle class is going to use up what goods are available and there will be a huge demand on the supply side which cannot be fulfilled and it will lead to serious inflation. High inflation is the one thing this economy cannot tolerate right now. It will be up to we the taxpayers to see that it gets done.
Have a wealthy Tuesday; win the lottery!


Mark said...

Corporate America will not pay enough taxes to shift the burden.
The lobbiest's they hire will see to that.

You would think that people would go for corporations paying more taxes so the individual tax rate could be lowered. Then we would have more in our pockets to spend.

One major terror attack from a big collapse.

Tammy said...

that is a hell of an appendage on that tomato. too bad it won't last till fall when you can enter it in the fair for a ribbon.

Anonymous said...

I cannot understand why the public keeps taking for granted that politicians have our best interests at heart.

Thanks, Mark.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a banana pepper growing out of the tomato; there was a pepper plant right beside it.

Thanks, Tammy.

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