Saturday, June 05, 2010

I'm a Pepper

Today is iffy weather-wise so any outing we take probably will not be in the mountains. Flash floods rushing down the hollers can wipe out creek bridges and leave people and their cars stranded. People can usually walk out after the water recedes, but autos may be inaccessible for driving for months. However, vandals and parts thieves can make you not want the car back, but if it is in a National Forest, you are responsible for retrieving it. Several years back, a flash flood on Clark's Creek did strand a couple of autos and the owners were forced to remove their cars as best they could. The bridges were not repaired for three years. We had storms last evening which momentarily knocked out the power on two occasions.
I haven't heard much about the big flower contest on Megashot, but there seems to be quite a few entries. I am adding one or two each day mostly for contestants to have enough photos to choose from when voting. Seems like a lot of folks have held back their best shots just for a chance at the prizes.
The above photo was made yesterday and isn't too good; there was a lot of traffic and I couldn't get a place for a better shot. Five Points intersection in Jonesborough has been home for a store ever since I can remember, and my memory of it goes back to at least the early 1950's. At that time, it was just another small country store. When a school and factory moved nearby, the store expanded, the brick addition was built, and it became a convenience store. Now, the state is planning to rebuild the horse and buggy era intersection as it has become heavily used and in its present layout it is quite dangerous for drivers. The changes should help, but they mean that the store will be removed. I don't think destroying the landmark is really needed to make the intersection more safe, but it has become part of the congestion problem because many people are using it and it is very close to the main road where it blocks the view of oncoming traffic from a side street. I figured I better get some kind of shot of at least the old Dr Pepper sign before the fun begins. An odd thing; I've passed by the store hundreds of times, but I've never been inside it.
Have a super Saturday!


Mark said...

I'll get back to get the post later.

I did post a picture in the flower contest. Just wanted to let you know.

Tammy said...

Ken my mother & her husband have spent the week in N.C. roaming the mountains and enjoying the sights. They are itching to move there. She called me just last evening as they were headed down the mountain when all traffic came to a stop, apparently due to a flash flood. She said they were bumper to bumper waiting for the road to be cleared. Ironic that you posted that info just that very time.
I like your flower photos and Mark just put one in the pot. It is very good and very Mark-ish. I took one for the contest but realize it is not good, as I have no eye for it.
I like those old signs/buildings. My small home town also has many of them and whenever I go home they hold such memories.
Have a lovely Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Heck of a good photo, too. I wish there were a lot more like yours in the contest. There are enough photos now in the competition so I won't have to upload so many. I hope yours goes to the third level.

Thanks, Mark.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your mom likes the mountains. It doesn't surprise me about the flash flood, especially on the Carolina side.

Mark did a very good photo, and I figured whatever he entered would have more than one flower in it. I think you should go ahead and enter your photo; it is fun voting on other people's work. Your photo is probably better than you think; go ahead and jump in.

Have a good day, Tammy.

Mark said...

I bet there was a few flash floods yesterday. I rained here pretty good last night and those storms came across the mountains.

You do not see many Dr. Pepper signs around, at least in these parts.

Anonymous said...

This is the only large Dr. Pepper sign I know of around here.

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