Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We remember

John W Anderson 1921-1986

It will soon be 65 years since my dad was wounded in action while on patrol in Belgium. He took shrapnel in his face, wrist, and leg and by the time he recovered, the European theatre of war had closed. He was 23 years old when he was hit by fragments from a German mortar round, and considered himself very lucky; many of his fellow paratroopers remain in European cemeteries. Today, I salute him and all service people who have offered their lives so we and other freedom yearning peoples the world over may taste the wine of hope and liberty.


Tammy said...

I'll drink to that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tammy.
Speaking of drinking, my dad's eyes look like he may have had a few beers before this photo was made. :-)

Mark said...

It is amazing when you look at how young our soldiers look when they go into the service.

It is sad that veterans day is barely a holiday anymore. It should be a national holiday that is right along side the 4th of July.

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