Friday, November 20, 2009

Sore-eyed observations

Creating art is the ultimate sacrifice of the spirit; it is all or nothing.
My dadgum gmail is down again. I wish Google would concentrate on fixing the old but necessary stuff instead of crowing about new stuff that probably won't work well either.
This has been an ass-kicking year around here; it has been one crisis after another it seems. It's ok though; I've a big ass and it can handle a lot shoe prints; it ain't a virgin. I am beginning my second round of eye allergies and I will be out of sorts until it has run its course. All I can say is for rich politicians and richer preachers to watch out; when I'm sight-deficient, someone has to pay because of my rectal-optimitus (shitty outlook).
Associated Press
says Obama is at odds with Catholic bishops over abortion. Is he pissed enough to veto a healthcare bill that has abortion limiting laws attached? Hell, he would sign his own attached death warrant if it meant some kind of meaningless reform bill was on his desk; a willing martyr for his legacy. He needs to be continuously carrying his case to the American people, but what is the president doing? He is working the phones to legislators instead of making us put pressure on them, and as long as we don't squeal as we are being slaughtered, they will do what corporate America wants. Same old same old. Wake up, America; the alarm clock of our destiny went off years ago, and we have slapped the permanent snooze button.


Mark said...

He had better not cave into the Bishops. I'd be amazed if he did not.

Anonymous said...

I feel he thinks his legacy is more important than real and progressive change. I'm beginning to think the entire healthcare debate is much ado about nothing.

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