Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Synopsis of the "Sermon"

Jesus lived the simple life of a wanderer, a tourist if you will forgive the comparison.

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Pastelred said...

I shall not forgive. Jesus was never a watcher,he was a doer, the heart of any moment. He never wandered, as he always had a purpose. You were thoughtless in taking my blog and making it nonsense. My blog is of the heart. Kindness. You took a beautiful day for me and turned it into an ugly moment.Each church has their own rules....Perhaps, if my travels make your skin crawl, you should not read of them. My life is full, none the less.

Anonymous said...

I was not thoughtless and I did not mention your name or link to your blog. There are thousands of people visit West Minster Abbey each week, and some of those people blog about their experience there. I read yours. You reported what you saw.

I have never doubted your faith and sincerity. I believe you to be a good person.

Sorry you had a bad day; mine hasn't been the greatest. I'm also sorry this all turned into a personal matter.

I am happy you are able to travel.

I shan't visit your blog.

Anonymous said...

I never said Jesus was a wanderer; I said he lived the life of a wanderer.

Mark said...

Wow, amazing how upset people get over something like your blog posting. How would these people act if someone truly did something to actually tarnish their religion.

And people wonder why so many people believe in a higher power yet do not go to church. As far as I am concerned no one religion is any better or more correct than any other. If people of the world would learn this we would have a much more peaceful society.

Anonymous said...

I was for sure taken aback when all this began yesterday morning. This is about the worst molehill-to-mountain- scenario I've witnessed outside of politics.

I suppose religion is the biggest mystery of the human psyche.

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