Saturday, June 13, 2009


The age old question: Why does Russell County in south-west Virginia have the hardest rains since Noah's Flood? Each week in the early to mid 1970's, I was unfortunately forced to drive through part of said county to and from my job in West Virginia. Well, not forced to, but it was the quickest route if a two lane road can be considered quick. While on my way to Tennessee on three different Friday afternoons just before six o'clock, I got hit by the hardest downpours I have ever seen. It is a mountainous region, but no more so than a lot of other counties in this area. My theory is that the storms come up the Tennessee Valley between the Unaka mountains on the east and the Cumberlands on the west and are funneled together as they hit that part of the world where they all raise hell at the same time. Either that or God does not like coal miners.

Another place I had to go through occasional bad conditions was on Flat Top Mountain in West Virginia. The West Virginia Turnpike crossed there, and we sometimes hit the densest fog I've ever had to drive in.

In the hard rains, we had to pull over to what we thought was the side of the road and ride the storm out, hoping we did not get our cars rear-ended. In the Flat Top fog, we had to keep moving--albeit very slowly--because it could have been morning before we again had decent visibility. Luckily, we never had an accident in either situation.
The Smoking Gun's
Mugshots of the Week. The suspect on page 13 cracks me up!
The bank situation may not be as dad as first appearance. Some of the charges have disappeared from Carolyn's online bank account site, so it may be just a few hundred dollars worth of illicit charges which is certainly bad enough.


Mark said...

Not sure if is God hating the coal miners but they always seem to be getting the short end of the stick.

If anything he is pissed at the coal mine owners for screwing up his land.

As for the bank maybe you can keep things in the family and make the person pay back through some kind of family restitution.

Anonymous said...

The owners of the strip mines should be made to repair the damage. Surface mining provides few jobs compared to deep mining, but makes the most $$ for the owners.

The person who took the card doesn't work enough to pay anything. We will not prosecute, but I cannot say the same for the bank and the places where the card was used.

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