Thursday, June 04, 2009

Sad Anniversary

Took Carolyn to her orthopedic doctor this morning, and he gave her Celebrex for the inflammation. She has not been in too bad shape the past couple of days, so he was reluctant to shoot the knee with cortisone. Used to be, he would not have hesitated to inject the drug, but times have changed. Tomorrow I go to my MD for a checkup, and week after next I go to the heart doctor for a checkup, and then a little later I go to the RA doctor for a checkup, and shortly thereafter I go to the opthamologist. Makes me sick just thinking of all of that.
The Vietnam War Memorial Wall is going to be in town for just four days instead of the two weeks I thought I heard the local tv newsman say. Must look into hearing aids.
The woodpeckers have already mated again and I hope to see some more little peckers before fall. Hasn't this spring flown by? Just a shade over two weeks until summer offically begins and the daylight hours become shorter and shorter. Carolyn and I planned to have a lot more picnics this year than in previous years, but we havent had one really serious one; something always pops up at the last moment to foil our plans.
My best friend during the 1970's died 29 years ago today. Fred and I had a lot in common, but also had enough differences to make a deep and lasting friendship possible. Fred went through much of his childhood and all his adult life walking with a profound limp due to one leg being shorter than the other. He blamed the malady on a billy goat for butting him into a rose bush while he was bent over. True or not, he never did like roses again, and definitely disdained the sight of goats. Fred, it seems like just this morning when you pulled up in front of the trailer in the green Chevy truck you drove here from Texas. We all still miss you, bro.

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