Thursday, August 27, 2009


The morning and some of this afternoon was spent at the emergency room with Carolyn. She used the walker to hobble to the Escape, and then into the E.R. where she plopped into a wheelchair. I put her purse around my neck like I do my camera, folded and carried the walker in my left hand, and was using my right hand for my cane. Somehow I managed to push the chair to the check-in counter; we were probably a sight to behold. After x-rays and an echo thingy, the doc decided it was indeed probably more than likely a pinched sciatic nerve in her back. They gave her two shots of dope, some prescriptions, and sent her home. She was out of it by the time I picked up the medicine and got her on the bed, and I am one dead tired and pooped hubby. No sleep in two nights for both of us, no coffee for her or me, and no sugar fix for me, yet we survive. It all could have been much worse.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to James Cameron.
Today would have been the birthday of friend BRENDA MOORE. Brenda died of cancer that began in her breast and eventually consumed her. We miss you, Brenda.


Mark said...

Ouch. I know that a pinched sciatic nerve is very painful. Hopefully it does not last that long.

Go got get a Red Bull. It will pep you up.

Anonymous said...

Is Carolyn feeling better?
I know how bad a sciatic problem can be, I had it last year. take care of yourself and don't get run down.
I hope you both feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mark. That Red Bull is good advice.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alice,
Just got her started on the steroids this morning so it will probably be tomorrow before we know if they will help. The last time she took them got her back on her feet. Vicki and Joann are mananging the buildings for her.
I am doing ok.

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