Sunday, August 16, 2009

Obama the Coward

Barack "Change" Obama seems to have cut and run on the public health bill; he is just another coward in high office. The Republicans and Big Business have won again, making the health care plan a watered down measure that benefits only the few wealthiest people in the nation, those whom head the medical and insurance companies and own the US Congress. Without the option of choice, what is left? The same old same old is still as ugly as ever. Sometimes a brave man catches a case of cowardly leg disease and runs when maybe he should not have, but "Change" Obama has been a coward from day one; just another politician talking the talk to get elected, but no balls when it is time to walk the walk. Nine months in office and not one real piece of positive change to show for it. He is a better friend of Big Business than was Dubya, and that in itself is mind boggling. Mr. President of Change, do us all a favor and go away! Stand up for what is right or get out of the way.


Mark said...

Without public option there is nothing for the common man.

Barack needs to set up to the plate and get this done or were are in for four years of heartache.

Anonymous said...

I've heard DC folk talk bipartisanship for the past 50 years. Screw it; they need to do what is right even if it is not popular at the time.

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