Sunday, August 09, 2009

Bras and GIMPs

Didn't get much done yesterday but ride with Carolyn to various farmer's markets and produce stands. We probably used $10 gasoline to find $30 worth of veggies (said Ken the Miser). I took the camera along, but nothing of importance did I see.

I wanted to go into the mountains today where the temps will not be so hot, but Carolyn busted a bra and had to go shopping. My eyes are very much improved and I need to get out and do some shooting. Maybe sooner or later I can get back to Flickr and other places, but it will probably be at least a week.

Speaking of bras, Carolyn has worn one of the hateful things to bed for the past 30+ years. I keep trying to persuade her not to and that I will not bother her, but she has insisted that my hands roam too much and has steadfastly clung to her supports. About a week ago, I remembered an article I read somewhere claiming that wearing a bra all the time could cause breast cancer. I think that claim has come under scrutiny by the scientific community because there were just a handful of subjects put to a long term test. Anyway, I told Carolyn about the claim without mentioning the scientific part, and she has not worn a bra to bed but one time since then, and one thing was definitively proven; I do have roaming hands that are now well slapped and very sore.
The new computer build went smoothly with JJ (my son) doing all the mechanics under my close, expert supervision. Like Jerry and myself, he is very good at figuring out stuff like this, but they both tend to assemble first then wonder what went wrong, whereas I read and study first, assemble slowly, double check, then wonder what went wrong. I am waiting on the Windows Vista OS to be delivered from Amazon so I can get it installed and begin hating it, and then I will have to redo this Linux I'm working with as I write this. I made an installation mistake with it, but it is forgiving enough for me to keep on working. Windows XP would have failed to boot under the same circumstances.

I managed to load a few graphics files--photos--into GIMP and one thing I quickly noticed different from the old machine is the speed with which heavy renderings get done. That much of an improvement I did not expect. Also, movies play very well with other computer programs running in the background, due to the extra processor cores and memory.
I am doing an outline for a new story; this one will be a detective whodunnit set in the late 1930's or early 1940's, Phillip Marlowe style (as played by Bogey). If I can get it finished and some older attempts polished, I will have enough for a novel-length book of short stories.
The Smoking Gun's Mugshots of the Week!


Anonymous said...

It's not easy to buy a comfortable bra. You are right, it's really one of the most hateful things. I was glad I was free of bra in Crete. If it is such their wish, women do not wear such "thing" on the Cretan beach.

There is quite different problem of "roaming hands". I am smiling, Ken.

Anonymous said...

I suppose some women just do not seem comfortable without a bra when they go out, but I seem to sense an aura of freedom in the ones that do not wear one at all times.

My hands are claiming innocence; they say it is my lust that makes them misbehave. ;-)

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