Friday, August 06, 2010


Went to the skin doc yesterday and he wasn't pleased with my healing but he understood why the wounds are not coming along any faster. He also found two more cancers to remove but will wait until I am healed. Another three-month doctor schedule forever and ever and ever .... I'm a singin' the blues ...
If American Christian extremists are not careful, some folks are going to declare open season on them much the same as the Christians have them. Any extremist religious organization should be placed on a terrorist-watch list, including Pat Robertson and his legions of brain dead zombies. Bible-thumping politicians only use these people as political tools and most do not believe their own words. I've got a good rant building and I soon will blow my unholy cork.
I got my shot while I was out yesterday; the RA doc's office was unusually busy and I had to wait nearly an hour to get a 10 second injection. By the time I got home, I was dead tired from lack of sleep for several nights. I took a sleeping pill at 10:30pm and slept until past 10:00am this morning. I feel better.
Carolyn is having work done on the old Ford van and I will haul her to Dry Creek to pick it up. I don't have any new photos to post anywhere, so I will spend the remainder of the day doing some writing.
Duct tape is like the force; it has a light side and a dark side, and it binds the universe together.
Have a good Friday and weekend!


Mark said...

I assume your RA meds slow your healing process.

Well the gay marriage debate is now really starting and we will see the Christian right in full force as this moves to the Supreme Court. The comments they make will make people most people who are on the fence move to the left.

Duct tape is the best.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is the methotrexate shots; they suppress my immune system and it makes scab creating very slow. Maybe I should use duct tape on my back wounds.

Schwarzenegger pro gay marriage! Wonder what he is up to?

Anonymous said...

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