Sunday, September 06, 2009


Carolyn was much improved as of last evening and her kidneys seem to be ok. She had a little bit of fever and they were doing antibiotics in her vein. She is not allowed to eat or drink; all she can do is wet the inside of her mouth with a soaked sponge and and then spit out the water. The hospital will be caring for her at least for two more days. I will speak for her and for myself and say we appreciate the beautiful thoughts all of you have sent our way. She has a very good surgeon and I found it in my heart to forgive him for being a Georgia Bulldog sports fan. The personnel at the hospital have been great, as were the ambulance people.

When she arrived at the E.R., her blood pressure was 68/29; she was very close to a system shutdown.
I went to bed at 11:00 last evening, and slept until 8:30 this morning; the first good rest I've had in more than a week.
The Smoking Gun's Mugshots of the Week!

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