Over the weekend, I caught parts of a movie I'd not seen; Georgia O'Keefe was the title and it starred Joan Allen as O'Keefe and Jeremy Irons played photographer Alfred Steiglitz. I have yet to see most of the movie, but the parts I did see were pretty interesting. Joan Allen is wonderful actor and anything Jeremy Irons plays in is always better because of his superb abilities to capture the essence of a character. It was on Lifetime channel, and I suppose it will air again.
Saturday was a bit interesting in that Carolyn had to find out the hard way she is not able to do the things she is used to doing. She wanted to ride down to the river and buy some potatoes and corn from David Thompson, That part of the journey went along ok; between David's boys and myself, we were able to carry the produce to the Escape. Then she had the notion she wanted to go to the grocery store and there was no convincing her to not go. We ended up at Food City in Jonesborough, and we went in, she leaning on a shopping cart and myself hobbling along behind on my cane. After about 10 minutes of isle hopping and shopping, she said she didn't think she would even be able to get out of the store much less to the car, but she finally made it to and through checkout and back to the car. When we got home, she headed straight to bed and did not get up again until yesterday afternoon. I carried most of the groceries into the house, and JJ finally came to my rescue and toted the produce inside. Her birthday was not very enjoyable. We spent part of this morning shucking corn, and I went and got my shot which I missed Friday because I had no one to stay with her for the half hour occurrence.
I carried my camera with me while we were out Saturday; it was the first time it had been out of the drawer since mid-August. I made no photos, and I think I am losing the desire to do so. Used to, I would get out and walk around the house if nothing else, and I always managed to find a subject or two to shoot. With the knee gone completely crazy, it is too painful and very difficult with the cane. I suppose my photography days are over ... at least for awhile.
I am planning an early autumn bath at the creek. As soon I feel safe leaving Carolyn for a couple of hours one evening before the air tuns cool, I will head for the pool of still, black water which is fed by a small cascade. There I hope to sit immeresed up to my neck, and I will renew my contract with nature; I am beginning to lose contact with the spirituality of life, and do need to make ammends.
I may be offline for a day or so while I try to get some things sorted out, but will check in whenever possible.

Saturday was a bit interesting in that Carolyn had to find out the hard way she is not able to do the things she is used to doing. She wanted to ride down to the river and buy some potatoes and corn from David Thompson, That part of the journey went along ok; between David's boys and myself, we were able to carry the produce to the Escape. Then she had the notion she wanted to go to the grocery store and there was no convincing her to not go. We ended up at Food City in Jonesborough, and we went in, she leaning on a shopping cart and myself hobbling along behind on my cane. After about 10 minutes of isle hopping and shopping, she said she didn't think she would even be able to get out of the store much less to the car, but she finally made it to and through checkout and back to the car. When we got home, she headed straight to bed and did not get up again until yesterday afternoon. I carried most of the groceries into the house, and JJ finally came to my rescue and toted the produce inside. Her birthday was not very enjoyable. We spent part of this morning shucking corn, and I went and got my shot which I missed Friday because I had no one to stay with her for the half hour occurrence.
I carried my camera with me while we were out Saturday; it was the first time it had been out of the drawer since mid-August. I made no photos, and I think I am losing the desire to do so. Used to, I would get out and walk around the house if nothing else, and I always managed to find a subject or two to shoot. With the knee gone completely crazy, it is too painful and very difficult with the cane. I suppose my photography days are over ... at least for awhile.
I am planning an early autumn bath at the creek. As soon I feel safe leaving Carolyn for a couple of hours one evening before the air tuns cool, I will head for the pool of still, black water which is fed by a small cascade. There I hope to sit immeresed up to my neck, and I will renew my contract with nature; I am beginning to lose contact with the spirituality of life, and do need to make ammends.
I may be offline for a day or so while I try to get some things sorted out, but will check in whenever possible.

Ken, he most important is your health and health of Carolyn. Photos are only something additional; however it is lovely addition.
Wait patiently for a bit easier period of your life (this current period is rather difficult), and I'm sure you will have and you will love your photography days again.
Wszystkiego najlepszego dla Ciebie i Carolyn (all the best for you and Carolyn).
I hope my last English phrase is correct.;-)
Thanks, Jola.
Carolyn and I are doing well; at least our health issues have become a bit more stable.
Autumn is the time of year I make my best photos, I think. I am looking forward to getting out once more, but Carolyn won't be able to ride the rough mountain roads like she used to.
I will get you an email asap. :-)
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