Friday, September 25, 2009

A poet I ain't

First a word of clarification. On Wednesday I mentioned I had put my poetry book on Shelfari; it is my book but it is the one sent to me by my friend in Poland. I only wish I could write poetry that well. My apologies if I misled you.
The roofers came out today and "fixed" our roof, but I doubt they did any good. Caulking around a bathroom vent on the backside of the house will probably not keep water from running down the frontside wall of my living room closet and into the basement. But then again, what do I know? I'm only a decrepit old electrician.
Our normal annual rainfall for this area is around forty inches, but my guess is we have had much more than that already this year, and flash flood watches are in effect again. Phooey! I was hoping to get out and about a bit this weekend, but I suppose it will not happen.
Not much happened on this day in history except that William Faulkner was born in 1897. He was a great writer.
A mule will labor ten years willingly and patiently for you, for the privilege of kicking you once.
~ William Faulkner


Mark said...

Well now you did it. I thought the poetry was yours. You could put out a book of poetry. I know you have it you.

My landlord has to fix part of my roof. The area where the flat roof of tge carport joins the house has been a big problem. He fixed it last fall and it is leaking again.
Time to hire a pro.

Anonymous said...

My problem is similar I think. The roof has several valleys and I believe the problem may lie in one of those. I should know by morning--it is raining now.

Anonymous said...

Please, Ken, you can’t describe yourself in such way (old, decrepit, and so on). It’s nice to see your bookshelf.
You are correct, this is your poetry.

Which book of Faulkner should I read as the first? Please, advise me, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I like to poke fun at myself, Jola. It allows me to feel better when I ridicule other people and things. ;-)

As for Faulkner, he is probably best known for The Sound and the Fury which I like very much, but I like his The Hamlet very well, too. A good movie (The Long Hot Summer) was based on it. He can be a bit difficult to read at times; he experiments with many writing styles in his work. Sometimes a single sentence may take up a full page. Actually, I like it but I can never make it work for me. As I Lay Dying is another very good book. I hope you can find translations for some of these books.

Anonymous said...

I think that "As I Lay Dying" will be this first. It seems to have v. interesting structure.
Thanks, Ken.

Anonymous said...

Good choice. :-))

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