Monday, September 14, 2009

Dear Mr President,

Dear Mr. President,

Please do not waver concerning the public heath care option. Let it be just that; an option. Our basic freedoms are built on options, and without this particular one, the people will have no say in healthcare. It will boil down to the same old same-old with providers having the last word. For them, it is about money only. Keep your promise of real change that you made to all Americans. Compromise on the public option is only superficial change.

Sincerely yours,

I sent the above email to the White House a few of days before President Obama's "You Lie" speech at Congress. In return, I received a "rally the troops" form letter the day before the address. I immediately deleted it, as it did not contain an invite for me to become an official and well paid advisor.

All-in-all, the president's speech was anticipointing; I hoped he would either make a commitment for the public option or toss it out of the "reform" package. I still do not know where he stands as he is still trying to use the diplomatic middle of the road approach when some good old political arm twisting is called for. A weak president has no real negotiating prowess; Jimmy Carter realized that hard fact after it was too late. Obama is beginning to look like an overwhelmed leader whom is ready to advance to the rear. The office of president has become too big for a mere politician to successfully control.
The first real impact of autumn's impending arrival greeted the hill people with nippy temps this morning. Kids awaiting the school bus were wearing lite jackets and sweaters, and I was a little chilly during the night. I hate such nights; I need an extra blanket to be comfortable, but I'll be damned if I will allow a bit of discomfort to make me hit the cold air to hunt for more covers. Shivering is a good thing.
Carolyn is doing ok with her surgery recovery but the back/leg problem is wearing her down. Vicky has twice done laundry for us, therefore I am still ignorant of the colored clothes/white clothes segregation issue.
May you find peace over the rainbow ...


Mark said...

Well it seems things will be very tough for Obama during the next three years years. Much like Carter he may be too nice and not pushy enough to get anything really done. Hopefully that is not the case.

Fall is still quite a few weeks away for us.

Anonymous said...

By not stepping on congressional and Republican toes, Obama is stomping on ours. Choices.

Autumn is a Catch22 for some of us; it is beautiful and refreshing, but it magnifies the aches and pains of growing old.

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