Wednesday, July 01, 2009

"... and darkness was upon the face of the deep. "

My eyes are still in a mess; but here goes nothing of importance anyway. Last night I experienced something I had not "seen" in many years: total darkness. At about 11:30 as I was catching the last of the local news, the electrical power went out. Total black; or as Spongebob Squarepants once said: "This is not your everyday darkness, this is Advanced Darkness". Apparently a tree fell across the lines and brought down several poles with it. The crews worked all night and the electricity was restored this morning around 9:30. Except for the bedroom becoming a little stuffy because the ceiling fan was off, I thoroughly enjoyed the black of night. At about 4:00am, a distant thunderstorm rolled by, and it made the night much more interesting.
I see where South Carolina governor Mark H. Sanford (I don't know what his real middle initial is, so I will use one that seems to fit: "H" for Hypocrite) is spilling his guts about his affairs; at least some of them. Will the voters of that fair state fall for his attempt to make them feel sorry for him, or is he counting on the fact that most Americans--including South Carolinians--just think it is politics as usual and dismiss his errant ways from their minds? Whom he screws is his business, but voting to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about indiscretions and then doing the same things (probably) and not resigning from office is just plain wrong. Jerk!
It is a total failure of the American system and its so-called gaurdians when the top headline of the day is 'Jackson's will to be filed in court Wednesday'. The Americam media should be keeping an eye on the lameness of our government and the people who run it instead of worrying about the after death affairs of someone whom will be just a footnote in a poorly written history book.
Congratulations to Al Franken for not allowing the Republican political machine in Minnesota to steal the election from him. Now Mr. Franken, it is time to go to DC and not become "one of the boys". Stand up for the things you have been claiming to believe in for so many years. Do not be bought, if it isn't already too late ... already.
I am using Ubuntu Linux this morning; it is the best Operating System I have ever used. I am including a screenshot of my desktop so you may see it is not some type of archaic monster that has to have every command typed.


Anonymous said...

Well, I must purchase a good map of USA. I think these first settlers and their leader Daniel Boone were very brave people. I remember that once you had posted the photo of his house.

Have a great weekend and happy Independence Day, my Friend.

ps. 'conjunctivitis' – oh, such a difficult word… No, no – my eyes are tired but rather healthy. I think everything is well with your American friends too. ;-))

Anonymous said...

Oh, I posted twice the same comment. Sorry, my friend. :-(

I've seen first time such system -Linux. I would be helpless if I had to work with your computer. I use Windows System, version Vista.
The computer I use at home is good, but I complain of web in my office, because it is often overloaded and there are even such days that I can't work in a descent rhythm.

I have worked with computer since 1993. My first computer was Macintosh Apple. I loved this computer and this system. Later I bought PC, because they were cheaper. Now there are three computers at my home (2 are laptops), and we treat them as our personal and valuable things.

Ken, it was nice idea to take shot of desktop. :-)

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