Monday, July 20, 2009

Please be well ...

Happy 40th Birthday to the Apollo Moon landing!
I hope I am not spoiling a good thing by talking about it, but I have been able to see better the past two days than at anytime in the past two weeks. Not yet great, but some better.
Carolyn prepared a huge and scrumptious meal yesterday, consisting of pot roast surrounded by potatoes, carrots, and onions, and she made macaroni and cheese from scratch, fresh green beans and corn cooked together, fresh boiled cabbage, fresh corn on the cob, fresh salad, and homemade cornbread. For desert, she tried her hand at making jello pies and they are delicious. She also made awesome bread pudding out of biscuits she had left from Saturday. After our meal settled and the stragglers left, I rode with her to clean the buildings. She was most ready for a good night's sleep and rest when we returned home. Bless her heart.
As expected, Republicans are putting down everything Obama proposes for the health care overhaul. They want Big Business to play a major role in the oversight of any new legislation, which would equal the same old same-old. The insurance, drug, and other related medical entities must have been in collusion for many years to have gotten us into this woeful mess. This, along with bought politicians and the lack of federal oversight is what placed this nation's health care in such a ridiculous position. How can insurance companies justify doubling the Medicare drug benefit premiums in just three years?

Here is a recent example ot the atrocities drug companies have perpetrated on consumers. The Lacrisert eye medicine I told you about that is placed under the eye lid cost $39 the last time I bought it several years ago. Carolyn phoned my eye doc and had him call in a prescription for the drug. She phoned this morning to verify the druggist had it and asked what the price would be and it was only $237 for a month's supply. The druggist informed her that no insurance company will cover any part of the drug cost. Is there something wrong here; do we really need a health care overhaul in this country? Another example: The orthopedist prescribed Celebrex for Carolyn's knee and gave her a few samples to try. They really helped her and when she went to get her prescription filled, it was $190 for a month's supply (it was $78 in 2001 when my mom was taking it). Carolyn could afford only a half-month's worth, and she has been out of them for more than a week now and we cannot get the rest of them. Her knee is beginning to hurt again, but there is nothing she can do but bear the pain and go on living. She no longer has health insurance except for a hospitalization policy.

The moral of this story is people like Carolyn and I all over this bought and paid for nation are in a Catch-22 situation. We make barely enough above the poverty level to keep us from getting assistance from TennCare and other agencies, but we do not make enough money to afford any kind of decent insurance except for my Medicare. She will continue to limp and I will be legally blind for at least awhile longer. No, we are not asking for charity and would not accept it if it was offered; we have made it on our own for a lot of years and will continue to do so. At least that is how I feel; Carolyn may feel differently, but I doubt it.

Damn good work, Republicans and politicians!

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Mark said...

There seems to be no logical reason for anything related to healthcare costs.

Breaking the backs of Americans very quickly and most politicians do not give a damm.

Anonymous said...

About anything Obama gets is going to be a poor compromise; the drug companies are spending record amounts in DC right now.

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