Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday the unseenth

Another shot day has rolled around; I hope I can see well enough to drive to doc's office. If the sky remains cloudy, I should be able to make it ok and if not, I will whine until Carolyn decides to drive me there. I've been outside the house for only one short period since returning from the eye doc's place on Monday. I have a couple of hours each morning when I can see fairly well, but the rest of the time is mostly boredom of sitting around in a darkened room or with my eyes closed. It is both pleasing and disconcerting to know I have enough weird things going on in my head to keep me entertained during these periods. I am thinking of trying another eye doctor as the one I have now doesn't seem to have time enough to diagnose my problem. My long time eye physician retired a year or so ago, and his replacement just don't have a clue. I need prescription allergy drops, but the new guy says it is dry eye instead of allergies, whereas my retired doc said it is both and treated all the symptoms. Hell, I've known for more than 20 years that I have chronic dry-eye; it is another of the inconveniences caused by the RA; most arthritis patients are possessed by the demon to a varying degree. I generally control the dryness by making my own tears from looking at all the bills that flood the mailbox each day and at other times I use artificial tears.

Gotta go rest my vision and stretch my imagination for awhile.


Anonymous said...

These doctors… Brrrrrrrrr! They are everywhere the same. They have not enough time to diagnose our problem.

D. cries too looking at our bills. He cries and he gives money. In this case I would be helpless without him.

I have not too much new photos, Ken. I spent my whole days in the office. I had a lot of work before my vacation. I hope I will take nice shots being on Crete. We (me and Asia) will take two cameras: Lumix and our Sony camera; unfortunately Sony camera sometimes doesn’t work well and it is hard to repair it.

Ken, Warszawa thinks about you warmly.
Być dobrze, mój Przyjacielu. Hugs.:-)

Anonymous said...

Vacation music and views. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

My RA doctor has complained to me about how much other doctors are overpaid. We have two huge medical schools within 160k of where I live and another in the planning stage. Most of doctors are becoming wealthy at patient and taxpayer expense.

Glad you like the vacation music, and I hope you do get some photos.

You also be well and enjoy your time off from the daily routine. I think about Warszawa. Hugs, friend Jola. :-)

Anonymous said...

I hope your eyes are doing better. Who is your eye doctor?

Anonymous said...

I don't even know his name. I will ask Carolyn tomorrow. Dr. Walters was the one who retired from the Johnson City Eye Clinic.

The eyes seem quite a bit better today, but I will have to wait a day or two to see if I can see.

Thanks, Alice

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