Sunday, July 05, 2009

Mine eyes

I have an appointment with an ophthalmologist tomorrow morning; hopefully he can give prescribe something for my eyes, but of course they are much improved today.
Obama has been in office nearly six months, and let's count off what has changed for the better: 1. Uh ... George and Dick are not in office; 2. uh ... . Actually I cannot think of a thing domestically that has changed for the good other than number one. One-eighth of his elected term has passed, and ... hey; wait! I know; he is still in the planning stage. It took GW eight months of planning before 9/11 shook him out of his tree, and I suppose Barack is awaiting a similar disaster so he can morph into Presidential Mode and decree something. God, I hate our political system. It has turned into the very thing our Declaration of Independence said we should shake off: " ... whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." It doesn't necessarily mean that we should take up arms and violently overthrow the government; it means we have the right to do whatever it takes to secure a sound and responsible government, but we must have unanimous consent to do so. With today's political machines grinding away at our freedoms and the unsettling lethargy of voters, I only hope that some grass-roots movement will be started which can fire the public fervor and force real change at the ballot box. One time, a woman approached President Franklin D. Roosevelt and told him he should do such-and-such about some project that was important to her group of like-minded folk. He replied something like this: "Madam, I want ot carry forth your project, but you must make me do so". Government will listen if enough people scream so loudly they can not be ignored. People, we must scream!

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Mark said...

Well I hope you can read my new blog. Like I needed more to do. This is a work in progress.

It would take a miracle for us to get together as a nation and demand that they fix things like we want.

Anonymous said...

You have hit the jackpot on the new blog! Well done.

We had better be finding a miracle of face becoming an also ran in world affairs.

Mark said...

Thanks man.

I fear a miracle is a long way off.

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