Monday, September 27, 2010


New blog site!

Rain and cool was the state of our local weather yesterday and today looks like much the same as bone-chilling drizzle adds fleeting dimples to small, standing puddles on the front porch planks. Have my mornings and evenings of porch sitting come to an end for another year? Will I get another warm day so that I may visit the creek for my autumn bathing ritual? Is there a life more wasted than that of a television weather reporter or "meteorologist" as they like to be called?
I was a bit ill yesterday with a stomach problem but am better today. The eye allergies have lessened a bit but I am still—as my grandmother used to say—"sneezing my fool head off" and I have a runny nose. Hopefully I am not getting a cold ... or worse. At one period in my life, I went nearly 20 years without ever catching a cold; it was freaky how everyone around me was sick with the viruses a couple of times each year and I never even sneezed. For some reason my immunity ceased a few years back after a serious bout of pneumonia and I am no longer Super Man although I have retained my x-ray vision.
Tomorrow I will be off to the lab for two different blood tests for two different doctors. Wednesday Keegan comes home from the Air Force for a month's R&R before leaving for a year in Japan and South Korea. We will get up early and make the two hour drive to Knoxville airport to meet him and bring him back to Greeneville where his mother lives. I got all my dates mixed up and thought he was coming in this past weekend and that Jeremy, my eldest grandson, was coming in from Atlanta next weekend and we would all get together for a small reunion. It has been more than a year since Jeremy saw the hills and Keegan has spent many months doing training and schooling at Air Force bases in Texas. Jeremy's birthday is October 13 so we will be able to do a lot of celebrating this weekend coming when everyone is here.
Possum grapes are getting ripe; they need to be kissed by a light frost to make them sweet.
Have another wet Worshday!


Tammy said...

Time to dig out your Super cape! maybe that will help fend off the ills plagueing your system. Sounds like you have some family time to look foward to this week. I hope your labs come back WNL. Does anybody make jam out of possom grapes?

I tried to be smarter than a crow but it didn't work so well. I propped open the screen door so Millie could come in, grab a p-nut, and then creep out w/o the interference from the crows.(she comes in anyhow so I didn't figure it mattered at this point). The crows were intently watching as I placed the p-nuts inside the screen door and propped the door open- squirrel size. I shouldn't have been amazed when that darn crow squoze his huge body in the crack grabbed 2 P-NUTS!!! and then tried to leave. Well, by that time he was stuck and I was chasing a giant black crow all over the inside of my screen. I almost fell in the pool, he almost took my head off with a low fly-by, and we both almost went through the screen. Back to the drawing board. Oh, I did finally manage to chase him out but he never did drop the p-nuts. He scolded me from atop the pine tree and I swore. Millie watched from the garden w/ her one good eye and probably had a good laugh. I need some sort of container that the crows can't get into but she can. any suggestions would be most helpful!

Anonymous said...

My grandma made jelly from possum grapes and it was always better than from the concords she grew. Fresh biscuits with fresh churned butter and fresh made possum grape jelly. some things you never forget. The seeds are probably too large for jam.

One crow wouldn't be so bad, but man do they have friends that like to party ... at your and Millie's expense. That must have been a hilarious struggle. The only thing I can think of is sometimes when Millie isn't around is leave nuts for the crows, but break off the end of the shell and put Texas Pete inside with the nuts; after a while they may learn not to touch any peanut. Even if it don't work, it will probably be fun to watch the crows try to deal with a hot tongue. :-)

Thanks, Tammy.

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