Friday, January 29, 2010

It's a-comin'

Roan Mt. North Carolina

10:40am ... The worst of the impending storm seems to be in Arkansas at the present but has spread as far east as Nashville. Hopefully the worst of it will pass just to our south, but at that, they are still saying as much as 10" (25cm) or maybe more will bury us. Carolyn is at the store to pick up a few things she forgot yesterday, such as spare flashlight batteries. I ain't looking forward with any amount of glee to the oncoming mess ... hold me ...
We have a couple of gallons of kerosene for the basement portable heater. That particular fuel is $5 gallon; ridiculous. We hope to keep the upstairs warm enough with the gas fireplace if necessary, and we have the gas stove in the kitchen. We should be ok.
Alice, if y'all need a place in case of the worst, come on over or I will try to get to your house and bring you here. It has been many years since we played together in the snow.
It could be worse I suppose; though our winter has been much harder than usual, it is nothing compared to what part of Europe is having to endure. It has been bitterly cold there for weeks with snow and ice storms one after the other, and it doesn't look like much relief in sight from the snow.
I got all my stuff done yesterday; shot was taken and drugs bought. I drove Carolyn to Piney Flats to get the key for the building she will re-begin Monday. She said it didn't look as dirty as she feared it would be.
1:50pm ... Drum roll please! The snow has begun! Rats!!!
3:07pm ... Snow is still very light and scattered with a bit of occasional sleet mixed in.
3:45pm ... Been snowing fairly hard for about 20 min. so I suppose this is the biggie. My porch is already covered but so far very little on grass or streets.
5:42pm ... It is becoming dark and the streets are now showing patchy snow cover as it comes down much harder. Worse, the tree limbs are collecting the flakes, and that doesn't bode well for me having electrical power in the morning. If not, I will be back pickin' and grinnin' as soon as possible. Have a super weekend, and if your power goes out, it will be a good time to read or re-read The Catcher in the Rye. I shall.
Here is a live web cam feed from my little town.
I may write more as this day unfolds ....
Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Ken

Vanessa and Greg have said they will come and get me if the power goes off.
If theirs goes off they have gas heat in their camper. So I should be fine.
Stay warm.

Anonymous said...

You all are welcome anytime, Alice.
Take care. :-)

Anonymous said...

hi ken hope you and carolyn are well , i havent been by for some time but you are in my thoughts moost days we have had a repreve in the weather with a thaw but it looks set to return this weekend
with the resesion and the bad weather things have been a bit lean we will probably have to miss out on our scotland trips this year or just go back to going in the tent again its more fun that way anyhow hope you get this by for now
john and mill

Anonymous said...

Hi John and Milly,

Glad to hear from you. The recession has hit tradesmen very hard as construction has been cut back and people do not have money to do fix-ups. We have been hit hard, too. The tenting in Scotland sounds like a great way to visit there, if the weather allows it.

Take care and stay warm. :-)

Tammy said...

good luck through the storm my friends. What a way to induct Mark into the bible belt. I'll be thinking of you all, including the birds.

A friend of mine is traveling in India and tells me that they are having the coldest weather memory can recall. She didn't pack enough warm clothes and is wearing everything she owns and putting socks on her hands to keep warm.

Not sure what kind of WEATHER we will get but it is in the 60s today and I had hoped to start in the garden this weekend, we will see. too cold for peas still I'd wager but I can probably get some herbs and onions started.

have a good movie?

Anonymous said...

I hope Mark has enough clothes and blankets to stay warm if the power is off for days. He is directly east of us and will mostly get what we get, I suppose. The power board here says to expect at least 72 hrs to get things to begin running decently again if worse comes to worse.

A Flickr buddy just got back from India, and he was saying the same thing. Weird weather fer shur.

Gardens seem so far away right now, but it is a good time for planning. Hope you have good weekend weather.

I have Casablanca, and there is none better. If the power goes down, I can watch it on the laptop.

Thanks, Tammy. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ken ..., please be brave. I believe everything will be OK. It's still snowing in my part of Europe, and I live, I'm well. Hugs, my friend.:-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jola.

I've gone through many storms like this before, but this is the first one I can talk about to the world as it happens. :-)

I really feel badly for you; I looked at your weather forecast and it seems like it will snow just about every day in Warsaw. Spring will be that much better and you can get back to the countryside in Podlasie and the Vistula. :-)

Hugs to you, Jola. :-)

Mark said...

I have plenty of blankets and my sleeping bag. I will not be cold.
Bought 240lbs of sand and put that in the bed of the truck so that should be ok. Have a few dvd's from Netflix. No worries.

R.I.P. JD. You did write one of the greatest books ever written in my humble opinion. For me it is a top 5 for sure. How does one not read that book and feel a kinship.
It will be a smokin' good time.

It always got to me when people ripped him for not writing more and nothing close to Catcher. Hell if that was the only thing he ever wrote he did more than most writers could even wish for.

Anonymous said...

I didn't read Catcher until I was about 20, and it did influence how I looked at the world; enough so that I realized I would never be a good fit for the norm.

He did it his way and that was the right way for him.

I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful. If I'm on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera. It's terrible. :-)

Anonymous said...

It's a big description of writing (Salinger) in my Polish favorite news paper. I'll read it in the evening. Now (Saturday, 2.30 pm) I'm going to the cinema for a movie "Avatar", and I'm so excited.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. I saw the photos published in your local newspaper. Snow is a great joy for children from Johnson City. It looks v. nicely.

xo ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jola.

I hope Avatar is as good as it has been publicized to be ... let us know. :-)

Kids always seem to find a way to have fun in snow. :-)

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