Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A new blog

Moth-eaten Vols

Following is an excerpt from my new blog—Brasstacks44—on

  • Baseball, like some other popular sports, has been in decline for many years, mostly due to its own successes of the 1950's which brought tv into the picture. When CBS bought the Yankees in the 60's, the youthful glory years of the sport still being a game were over. Big money took over from big fun, and it has been nothing more than a meat market ever since. The players are overpaid, especially the super-stars, and the owners are going to do whatever it takes to get the most people in the stands at the highest ticket prices the market will endure, and concessions are priced so high that "buy me some peanuts and cracker jack" are only song lyrics nowadays because a poor person cannot afford the seventh-inning-stretch treats.
Brasstacks44 is intended to be a place where I can state my many and varied opinions on almost any topic and in a longer form than is justifiable on this "everyday happenings" blog, which was originally intended to be a place where I could state my many and varied opinions on almost any topic. Most will probably find it boring, but that is ok; opinionated people usually are boring to those whom do not like to argue. I will try to be accurate on any facts I present there, but it is about my opinions, and accuracy does not always count when a windbag is at full song.

This blog—Loose Laces—at times contains about as much fantasy and fiction as it does truth. I still practice my story writing, and I am prone to mix it in with other stuff. Most people whom read this and that have known me for very long have already figured that out I'm sure, and are able to seperate the grain from the chaf.
Today is a mid-week, slow, and so far quiet non-event. Citi Group is threatening to foreclose on our mortgage once more as they have nearly every month for the past several. They don't understand I do not really give a crap, even though I keep telling them as much. If not for breaking Carolyn's heart, I would move her and me away from all the baggage we have accumulated over the past 45 years. Run like a coward, I would!

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