Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy New Year!

Ol' grandad ... his teeth are few but his bite
is very poisonous

Happy Chinese New Year to the People's Republic and all their local American embassy locations. You may know the embassies as Wal-Mart, K-Mart, or even your neighborhood grocery or electronics purveyor, but they are what they are; an outlet for the communist way of life in our proud and independent country. Take pride in the relationship between these two great nations of equality and freedom; go shopping today and celebrate!
I've had only a few of comments concerning my new Flickr avatar, of which a larger and more complete copy is adorning this page. The chiding is probably well meant, but folks, that is me! The pic is four years old, but I haven't changed much in appearance since it was made. I realize I'm not pretty, but all of us are whom we are, and this just happens to be a likeness of myself. I've been told that looks aren't everything, but the people whom said it to me were averting their eyes at the time. In reality and on the inside, I'm just Joe Average and much like you.
To keep people from going blind, mad, and burning down entire cities, I changed my Flickr avatar to something more peaceful to the eye.

'Tis a sad world in which we live ere we be judged by the pleasantness of our countenance but nor by the goodness of our souls.

I shall keep the photo on this page for awhile; it may scare away a potential reader, but what the hell; I know whom my friends are and you will not abandon me because I am ugly ... will you?

Sooner or later I must search for my false front tooth. I know; it looks as if two teeth are missing but all I ever grew in front was one large one. It is somewhere in a drawer but be forewarned, it helps my appearance but little. I fashioned it from scrap plastic in high school shop class because my folks could not afford to buy braces for me when I was a youth, and there isn't much a dentist can do for them now even if I could afford it.

Smile big and smile often!


Mark said...

I am not even sure what too say about your avatar. I guess you are not hard to find in a crowd. :)

Anonymous said...

It is sort of an "in your face" pic, isn't it? ;-)
Don't pay it too much attention; I luckily found this fellow on the net.

The point is that we pay too much attention to what a person looks like than whom the person is.

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