Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hectic day! One of Carolyn's customers—a bank—direct deposits her money into an account. Somehow, they missed paying her for one of the branch offices she cleans. We informed them of the mistake, and instead of depositing the correct amount, they repaid her for another branch which pays three times as much. Carolyn missed a doctor's appointment so she could try to get it figured out. Now, the bank has taken back the incorrect payment and says they don't owe her anything else. Every month she sends them six invoices, and every month they pay for six; except this month. The bank has a new bean counter at the main office, so I suppose he is to blame.


What kind of Thanksgiving are you going to have? Traditional; exotic; none of my business? Of course, Canada has already had their feast day this year, and I don't know if any of the rest of the world has such a celebration.

Carolyn makes the best pan dressing and potato salad I've ever had. But that doesn't mean it is the best anywhere. If you all would be so kind as invite me over for dinner or supper that day, I would be more than happy to tell you yours is the best. I also like candied sweet potatoes, ham or turkey with cranberry sauce, green beans cooked with a piece of streaked meat, and corn; cream style is preferable, but whole kernel or on the cob will be fine. Fresh, hot homemade dinner rolls with gobs of butter are always good. Iced tea for beverage. For toppers, pumpkin and sweet potato pie, and maybe even a little pecan pie if you have it. If you splurged and made fruit cake, I wouldn't get mad.

Leave you address and let me know the time to be there. The comment box will be fine, or you can email me.

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