Thursday, February 28, 2008

Went out today to buy livestock feed. Birds and squirrels aren't on a diet; just me. Each holiday season we buy sacks of mixed nuts from Sam's Club, and I always get an extra sack for the squirrels. One Brazil nut can replace a whole lot of sun flower seeds. They've finished off half their supply in the last week, and they seem very happy.

We have no pets other than our wild ones, but we worry about them like people do their dogs and cats when they get ill. If we find a downed bird we try to nurse it back to health; same with a squirrel or chipmunk.
One more day in this extended February, and still no robins.
About the diet: Do you know how difficult it is to eat just four Girl Scout shortbread cookies when you are used to eating an entire box full at one time. It is exasperating! So far though, I'm sticking with my objective to beat Nature's planned obsolescence.
I intend to get my year's worth of hair growth removed come Saturday, along with having my beard dispatched. I have a feeling though that I will regrow the beard. Regular shaving cuts into my quality time.

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