Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The photo is of Orion the Hunter with Sirius the Dog Star at his heel. ISO 200, f/8, 15 sec. These are winter constellations which are fading to the west as spring approaches. Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky, and Orion is one of the easiest constellations to recognize. The red star at top and left of center is Betelgeuse, commonly referred to as beetle juice. Click or double-click on photo to enlarge. It could have been better, but my camera's lowest shutter speed is 15 sec. I'll have to get the Nikon film camera into action and get some real pics.
Going out this afternoon to inspect a new building for a possible bid. Wish us good luck, although I don't believe in luck. Now that really makes good sense.
Didn't go out after all, but will go tomorrow; maybe.
We received out third major snowstorm of the season today; nearly a quarter inch. Breaking out the snowshoes and parka, but I won't have to hitch up the huskies to go to the store.
Carolyn drove all the way to the east end of Elizabethton just to discover she had the wrong building key with her. This is probably the start of some similar incidents, as it seems like when it happens, more follow. I usually have to take her the correct key, but not this time. Too far away for she and Vicki to sit and wait 'til I get there. She will make it up tomorrow night.

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