Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Mark (future President Sevigny) says that one way to relieve the high unemployment is to rebuild the nation's infrastructure; bridges, highways, electrical grid, etc. I agree with him that it would bolster the workforce and it would also enhance our national security; we do not need a systems breakdown during a crisis. How much this would help the unemployment picture I do not know, however, I doubt it would drop the unemployment rate by more than one-percent. I think the best way to get the employment rate in a manageable position is to begin bringing our exported manufacturing strength back home. If I were president, the first thing I would do, after my hangover is just a memory, is put all the trade agreements with every foreign country on the table for close inspection. The first thing that would come of that is the nations whom are the most lopsided beneficiaries of our bad trade policies would immediately squall the loudest. I am not saying that we should throw the agreements out the window, but that we should make sure they are fair; at present, free trade and fair trade do not walk hand-in-hand. We should begin getting the inequalities ironed out by making sure we are not our own worst enemy, and the North American Free Trade Agreement would be the first one scrutinized. I have not one iota of animosity toward other governments for taking advantage of what we give them, but we must make sure that we don't give away our best interests by allowing our own capitalists to become greedily richer at the expense of our domestic prices increasing as decent jobs leave our shores and borders and more citizens falling into poverty. When other nations and our own corporations see that the American people are speaking through their representative government instead of the those nations and corporations using our government as a puppet, we should be able to compete using our own manufacturing ability. My proposal is not a quick fix nor the only thing that needs to be done but it is a good place to start.
The weather has been fair for a few days, and it has helped me cope with the physical and mental problems I have with winter. That is about to change as THEY say it is going to get nasty and cold once again beginning Thursday.
Happy Tuesday!

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