I passed a mini-milestone Friday last; I made my 10,000th photo with the Pentax DSLR. It took less than 13 months. That would have been about $1,460 in film cost alone. Professional processing would have been at least another $2,500. My reusable memory card cost $25, the software for computer processing was $50, and batteries have cost about $120 over that time span. Even though DSLR's are more expensive than film cameras were, the savings overall are tremendous by going digital. You've earned a well deserved pat on the back, Ken. Thank you, Ken.
I make a lot of shots because I figure if I make enough, at least one will come out decent. Shooting in the wild like I do is not like shooting in a studio where things are controlled. Camera light meters do a good job, but they cannot average out everything. Since I began shooting one-half stop under-exposed, I've been able to reduce my total shots at the same subject because I know more highlights will not be blown. I would like to have a handheld light meter, but the cost is prohibitive. I still sometimes use an 18% gray card to set exposure on some closeups.
The Depression seems to be deepening; maybe the bottom will come soon. Chrysler is filing for bankruptcy as consumer spending declines once more. New jobless claims are lower, so that could be a sign the worst may soon be over ... but don't bank on it.
The fat guy washing his truck in the photo is my friend Mouse whom lives down the street. It is obvious he is bored with retirement.
I see where an eight-year-old Saudi girl has filed for divorce from her 50-year-old husband. I thought those kind of convenience marriages only happend in my neck of the woods; Appalachia.

I make a lot of shots because I figure if I make enough, at least one will come out decent. Shooting in the wild like I do is not like shooting in a studio where things are controlled. Camera light meters do a good job, but they cannot average out everything. Since I began shooting one-half stop under-exposed, I've been able to reduce my total shots at the same subject because I know more highlights will not be blown. I would like to have a handheld light meter, but the cost is prohibitive. I still sometimes use an 18% gray card to set exposure on some closeups.
The Depression seems to be deepening; maybe the bottom will come soon. Chrysler is filing for bankruptcy as consumer spending declines once more. New jobless claims are lower, so that could be a sign the worst may soon be over ... but don't bank on it.
The fat guy washing his truck in the photo is my friend Mouse whom lives down the street. It is obvious he is bored with retirement.
I see where an eight-year-old Saudi girl has filed for divorce from her 50-year-old husband. I thought those kind of convenience marriages only happend in my neck of the woods; Appalachia.

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