Wednesday, October 01, 2008

If you knew that all things you attempt to do are going to succeed, would they be worth doing?
Would you want everything you need for life handed to you no questions asked?
Would you be happy in a world where there is no competition for anything?
Would you enjoy year-round perfect weather?
Would you enjoy perfect health all the time?
Would you like to live in a place where time doesn't exist?
Would you like to live in a mansion on a street paved with gold?
Would you be happy if millions of neighbors had the same luxury?
Can you imagine having all this freedom yet never being free?
Can you imagine eternity?
I know quite a few people, but I don't believe many of them have between $100k and $250k in the bank, yet the Senate version of the giveaway bill is touting the fact that the FDIC insurance limit will be raised to the latter amount. Just an excuse to go through with the bad legislation. I'm sick of all this and wish they would turn the keys to the US Treasury over to big business and have it done with! Democrats and Republicans belong to big corporations, and nothing positive is going to come out of Congress on this mess.


Mark said...


Hell, i'd be happy if I had $10K that was just sitting around.

Anonymous said...

Good answers.

$10k would be a fortune to me too.

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