Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Redneck roadside litter. The area on the upper left will soon be lake bottom.

I read that Citigroup has shown a profit for the first time in months and the stock market made a "significant" rally based on the report. Don't be too enthused about a sustained rally or taking this as the end of the economic depression; so far it is only figures on paper and doesn't show net profit after write-offs.
Carolyn is having to do more buildings on her own, and I will be taking her over to Fall Branch on Tuesday evenings, at least for awhile.
We came by Bristol Motor Speedway (BMS) while we were out Sunday, and the camping areas were beginning to fill up even as another race was being run in Atlanta. The two races at BMS each year are still the favorite of fans, and although the attendance is down because of the economy and the fact that the NASCAR organization sucks, there more than likely will be 120k+ souls in the stands this coming Sunday, and the night race in summer will draw even more.
The first sure sign of spring at my house is when Carolyn renews her annual war on ants, especially the big, black wood ants. Ant traps and powders are being placed where ever she sees one of the unfortunate critters. Her feet and hands spell doom for any that cannot move away from her swift retribution. The tiny black ones will be along soon, and they too must face her wrath.
The chest congestion for both Carolyn and I is becoming worse; our body temps are a little elevated, and we are coughing until our heads ache. I really do not feel like doing much, and she doesn't either. Life!

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Mark said...

Its the damm pollen here. Everything is coated with yellow. We need some rain to wash it away.

Anonymous said...

Our pollen is just beginning, but we are supposed to have rain the rest of the week.

Anonymous said...

In Warsaw we have very early spring. Air is still cold, but fresh and clean (without pollen; pollen is in the end of May). I take walks every day.

Ken, I wish you a good health - you and Carolyn. :-)

Anonymous said...

Our pollen will peak around the 1st week in April. Right now it is from early spring flowers and red maple trees.

We are having an outbreak of influenza at the moment, a type that was not prevented by the inoculations from last fall.

Thanks, Jola. :-)))

Anonymous said...

Oh, I take such inoculation (vaccine) against influenza every year - in September. Every year is a new version of this inoculation. It protects me rather effectively. ( But D. is stubborn and doesn't take it; it's not reasonable).

Influenza is very unpleasant illness.

Take care for yourself, my friend. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is the first serious influenza symptoms I've had in many years. Carolyn is like your D.; stubborn!

Thanks, Jola.

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