Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Give the folks at A.I.G. their bonuses! I know that is going against the grain, but here is why I say it. If they have legal work contracts that say they are due the bonus as part of their wages, then that is the way it should be.

Let me ask you; do you think Congress did not know of executive bonuses before the bailout package was passed? This entire bailout was hatched up by the financial industry and had the blessing of the Bush administration and the sitting Congress, of which Mr. Obama was a part. The ones screaming the loudest right now are the ones whom allowed this sick pact to be stuck to the taxpayers. This contract with the devil was entered into without oversight and Old Scratch is exacting his due! Place your outrage where it belongs; upon the shoulders of the people whom got us into this and the people whom are supposed to be protecting us from this, and the people whom we elected to fix it. Demand justice for yourself and your future! Blame the fat cats in Washington DC! Pointing fingers at A.I.G. is just what your legislators want you to do so they can rise up with righteous indignation and pretend to be protecting you from these Wall Street beasts while at the same time covering their own misdeeds.

Our government is a failure! It has trod upon our Constitution, upon we as tax payers, and upon every American whom has ever lived, worked, fought, and died to make the United States of America the best place on earth to live a life of freedom and justice. It is time we move to take it back and place it in the hands of the American people!
I am still sick, but I could not help but place my thoughts on the table for your consideration.

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Maggie said...

That is a gorgeous black and white. Looks rather IR and slightly Ansel Adams-ish!

Hope you are soon over this seriously nasty illness. Take good care of yourself, please!

Politics! arrggghhh!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Maggie.

I messed with negative and IR software filter on this one.

I am having trouble getting over the illness this time, but ... ;-)))

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