Saturday, March 28, 2009


Abandoned Vines home

My friend Maggie has posted an alert about the Conficker worm that can conceivably infect a host of our pc's and cause havoc on the internet. At present, about all we can do as pc users is keep all our security products updated, or as Maggie suggests, unplug our machines before April 1st. Of course, the worm has all the time in the world, and unplugging for a day or two may do but little good.
I took one Xanax last night, went to bed at 1:00am, and awakened this morning at 10:40; I am still groggy, but rested.
The congressional Republicans are playing a wise card by poo-pooing every move Obama and the Democrats make concerning the financial situation. At least one thing in the President's plan is bound to go wrong and cause a crisis, and they will jump upon their stumps and tell us 'we told you so'. Under Bush, the Democrats pretty well rubberstamped everything that came from the White House, and that is not very good representation.
Am I the only person in the world whom likes mayonaise and jelly sandwiches? Yes, I mix the mayo with grape jelly and thickly spread it on sandwich bread. Give it a try! If you've ever eaten sweet-and-sour pork, then you have no room to laugh. One of my childhood friends did and still does like peanutbutter and bologna sandwhiches.
The Smoking Gun's Mugshots of the Week!!!! The pretty but sad looking arrestee on page 11 has wonderfully kissable lips!

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