Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Unlike yesterday, today's skies are cloudy but the temperature is still mild. Speaking of temperatures, Carolyn left for work last afternoon with a fever of 100.1° and when she came home at 10:30, it was 103.2°. She is very ill with a headache, nausea, and all the other symptoms of a ravaging viral infection. I am feeding her extra strength Tylenol and her fever is just below 100° this morning. How she manages to go, I'll never understand. I hope she will retire come September.
This post will be much like yesterday's; put together in pieces as I find time.
I just thought of something; I don't own a suit. I've never owned a suit, nor shall I. I have owned a clip on tie since the early 70s, although it hasn't been used since Dot died in 2002. Reckon it may be out of style? Reckon it was ever in style? Reckon I care?
I am pathetic. I don't know how to operate the coffee maker. I'm off to the Quick Stop to get my caffeine fix.
While I was at the coffee shop, Carolyn got out of bed and made a pot of real coffee. I brought ger a cup from the store, but poured it out. Her coffee is much better. She made herself a cup and returned to bed.
Carolyn is feeling better and her fever has broken, but she was unable to go to work. Bless her heart.
I finally finished the "Tree" poem and is posted on Lord Bubbha if anyone is interested.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Carolyn is feeling better. Take good care of her. She needs some TLC. Did you finally get better? Alice

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Alice. She gets the TLC and I ain't well. Just stopped complaining.

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