All I can say is thank each of you for reading my material. From time to time I've made a few mad; and other times I've made a few laugh. I've never intended to hurt any specific person's feelings, although at times it may have seemed that way. My greatest hope for this journal was to make myself—and anyone that reads it—think and to take nothing for granted. I want people to examine the the things that affect their lives the most; look for underlying reasons for why things are as they are. If you see something you think is wrong, scream at the top of your voice to bring attention to the bad. The same for the good in your life. Change is good.
My friends—for today at least—I bid you farewell.*
*Thanks for caring, John and Milly. I shall return!
BTW, Here is the entirety of my first post: "All that there is; all that there ever was; all that there ever will be."**
-Carl Sagan from Cosmos
** Actually, it is a misquote and it should read: "The Cosmos is all there is, all there ever was, or all there ever will be."
I realize Christians find this atheistic, but they should not do so. Even if God created the cosmos, the song remains the same.
it is a sad day to make this comment on your last loose lacess you underestimate your talent for writing but then all artistic people condem there own work if it is just a time factor then i fully understand why you want to stop ,i find it hard to hold down a fulltime job and keep in touch with everyone one flicr though you and a few others have become very dear freinds,one day i will find your phone number and have a one to one chat ,as i have mentiond we all build a picture in our minds eye of each other.your writing i think is mostly from the heart with a few funny bits to throw us of trac of your true feelings. i did stay up all night once and write a poem for milly it was the most emotionaly draining experiance ihave ever had in my life ,the next morning i handed it to her and she said you didnt write this so i showed her the bin were all my offcuts were, i had stayed up all night to write it and had cried tears in its telling,so i have some idea how hard it is to write if you want to see it i will send it to you it is of imature skill but it was the first time i felt that i wanted to. thanks for your comments on my art and the new camera i had to remorgage the house and spend some of the kids inheritance to get it and do feel a bit guilty all milly wanted was to repair the garrage door and buy a new hoover i guess that is why men are from mars and women are from venus milly has discovered red peppers for cooking but no one told me that after preparing them if you have to answer the call of nature and dont wash your hands first you get one hell of a burning on your privates i think i have discoverd an alternative to viagara anyway by for now take care ,john
Hey, John. First I'm not quitting the blog, though I may slow a bit on posts. I know how difficult it is to make a living and spend time on Flickr; Flickr can consume all your time if you allow it to.
I would love to see your poem for Milly, but please clear it with her first; after all, it is personal and it is hers. I'd hate to get in her dog house; I've enough people mad at me already. I realize how difficult it is to put into words the things which are in the heart. That is why I envy true poets.
Boys have to have their toys. Carolyn wants a new kitchen floor, but I want a new dslr. She may win this one.
Man, the first time I did the red pepper bit, I had to pour an entire pitcher full of beer on my crotch. We learn...
I'll send you an email with my phone number, and explain why it may not do you much good. A woeful story, indeed. :-)
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