Thursday, July 24, 2008

McCain MacAfied

If John McCain becomes president of the USA, will everyone and everything in the Executive Branch be MacAfied similar to McDonald's? Will he want to be called Mr. MacPresident, or be referred to as the BigMac? Of course he shall have a MacCabinet around him with MacAdvisers, much like a MacBurger has MacFries, and each of these MacInsiders will have his own MacStaff whom will be peppered about like MacSalt. The MacCabinet will be required to attend morning MacBriefings wearing MacRonald McDonald clown MacSuits, and lower MacStaff MacMembers will wear MacHamburglar MacOutfits.

McCain must have a MacOval Office and a MacBlue Room, and press MacConferences will be held in the MacPress briefing MacRoom. He will have a MacHot line to every MacLeader in the MacWorld. His MacFinger will always be near the MacButton that can launch MacNuclear MacDestruction upon our MacEnemies. How MacPissed is he at the MacVietnamese MacGovernment and the MacPeople therein whom MacTortured him for MacYears?

Will he force a MacBill through MacCongress that recognizes McDonald's as the MacOfficial MacEating establishment for the good old MacUSA? Will there be a McDonald's franchise on the aircraft carrier MacRonald MacReagan?

As I MacWrite this, McCain has yet to decide on MacWhom shall be his MacRunning MacMate. He may choose MacSomeone—possibly a MacWoman—from the MacEast, because of the high MacVoter count there, and having a MacWoman aboard the MacElephant MacExpress should help close the MacGender MacGap, and pull in some MacMinorities whom are MacLeery of MacO MacBama.
I tried spell checking the above, but the checker went haywire. A portent of the McCain administration maybe!?

Super-size my MacHappy MacMeal!


Mark said...

After reading that I have a MacHeadache.

Anonymous said...

You were able to actually read it?!
I threw in a lot of extra Macs. I figure if the press ever gets started with it, they'll make mine pale in comparison.

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