Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saving Our Economy

How about this to kick-start the housing market and possibly send the USA economy to unprecedented heights.? The Chinese start building and exporting prefab homes and mobile homes to the USA. Not only that, but allow them to do the mortgages through their banks at two or three percent interest. They could probably send green card crews over to assemble the homes for a lot less money than our construction workers make. These crews would just seek political asylum here, you say? Not if they are violent felons from Chinese prisons. I don't think even W would allow them sanctuary as permanent residents.

This scenario would be a win-win situation from top to bottom. First, we wouldn't be using up our tree and mineral resources for construction, or have to import lumber and nails from Canada; the Chinese have much more than we. After all, they are communists and due to the fact that we don't like or trust Bolshevik types, using up theirs would expedite their demise.

Our banks would be forced to lower their interest rates and "fees" to match those of the Chinese lenders. With lower rates all the way around, manufacturing will increase and prices will fall thus pulling our economy from its doldrums.

Think of all our domestic oil that we use to make plastic siding for houses. It will no longer be needed for that purpose, and in the long run we will be more energy independent.

Another gain for us would be freeing up our skilled and well paid construction workers for other industries such as fast meal preparation, sales, and delivery, which is a more politically correct way of saying "working at McDonalds"! This will be a boon to the Chinese economy, too. It means our workers will no longer be able to afford quality goods, but will have to buy any cheap and shoddy thing the Reds send us.

In the end, we will have affordable houses to live in and jobs in the service and manufacturing industries. Our manufacturers will have to lower their quality control to nil, but most of them aren't too damned good anyway. For our factories to successfully compete, workers will be required to give up those frivolous days of money and time wasting called paid vacations, paid holidays, and paid sick leave.

We are Americans; we can do this!

See! I can write an article without being cynical!


Mark said...

I only want one if they sell them at Wal Mart. Since the gov't already gets loans from China I am sure they would love to reach into the peoples pockets.

As I will gladly give up any time off. I am a company man. I never have my own ideas. I do not want that right.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Wal-Mart would be the exclusive retailer, at least til the rush is over.

Somehow, I just can't comprehend you being a company man. That is a mind boggling thought! Hell, I'm not even a company man and my wife owns the company!

Mark said...

Much to the irritation of my bosses I am far from a company man. I do however get them my best and of course that is never good enough.

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