Saturday, July 12, 2008

Carolyn and I drove to the markets on 107 this afternoon. Local produce is coming in pretty well, but some things like melons are still being transported from South Carolina. It will be at least another month before those delicious Chuckey River cantaloupes and watermelons come in. After the market, we went on to Horse Creek campgrounds and sat around in that superb mountain setting for an hour or so.
My Flickr friend yankeepez has started his own blog and he is calling it Iconic Rambler. I believe if you care about the negative direction this country has taken in the past few years, you will want to read his words. He may step on our collective toes, but it won't be done with malice. He is the opposite of a Bushite Patriot, because he loves this nation and not the wealth its privileged citizens amass.
Here is the link to his blog:
The link is also on the sidebar of this blog, so you have no excuse for not visiting him! I'm sure he would love to read comments on his thoughts, so drop by and say hello.


Mark said...

Thanks for the link, it is very much appreciated. This started with your suggestion.

I am sure I will step on some toes but is well intended. I hope some of the things I say will make people think.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone from Salem, Oregon already followed my link to your page.

My best friend in all the world... well, I step on her toes occasionally with my anti-religious rants. Sometimes she will fire a shot back my way, but we know each other so well and for so long we take it in stride.

Most people would rather be comfortable in their ignorance than to have to think!

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