Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Boone Lake Saturday night

As we were people watching and awaiting sundown at Watauga Lake last evening, Carolyn offhandedly said as she looked out across the wide water, "I wonder if there are any sharks in there?". I thought it over for a moment, then I told her I didn't know, but there probably aren't. There are times to keep one's mouth shut. Fortunately, she doesn't read this blog or even look at my Flickr photos.
I read where Obama got selected president in Germany. Well, that is a good start, I suppose. I wonder how he would fare in Iraq or with our dear friends the Saudis?
The in-fighting is getting good in the Democratic presidential circus. Jealous Jesse Jackson versus Badass Barack Obama is making some news. The Reverend Al Sharpton is refereeing, but seems to be siding with Jackson. See it all on pay-per-view for only $49.95.

Does anyone know what the hell the Right Reverend Jessee Jackson does for a living? I've known of this man for many, many years, but all I ever see him do is stick his nose in somewhere. Not to say he hasn't helped in certain situations, but what exactly does he do to earn a living? I've always said that my biggest failure in life was not becoming a preacher and hitting the television and political trails as the permanent underdog. Maybe it isn't too late! Please send donations via PayPal and I will offer up a prayer for you. Sign your Social Security check and send it to me immediately. God wants you to do this, so don't take a chance on forever burning in the hellfire of Hades. Do it! Now!
I see where Ted Stevens, the long time Republican Senator from Alaska has been indicted for concealing loot and stealing money from the the American taxpayers. Wonder what kind of spin Fox News and Bill O'Reilly will put on that? Well, at least he didn't accept a blowjob form an intern!
Terrible thing the shooting in the Knoxville church. Some are blaming Rush Limburger and other right-wing extremists for the tragedy; I blame the wacko whom did the shooting. Limbaugh and his ilk are more into situation comedy than politics. They are laughable. I better shut my Liberal mouth before a sicko comes gunning for me.
A Flickr friend sent me an email early this afternoon saying he was being all shook up by an earthquake near Los Angeles. I told him to get outside immediately when he felt something like that, and that he could wipe his butt later. He is an old hand at those things, so he will more than likely be ok.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I know it must have been tough not to crack a wise one about the sharks. When I told my parents I started a blog they figured it best not to read it. They figured they were better off not reading my rants.

I love the "Jealous Jesse" name. How true. I figure if him and Bad Hair Day Shapton are against you then you are doing something right.

As for what the Right Reverend does for a living that is a good one. I would love to see his tax return. I had respect for him at one time but now it seems him, Sharpton and a few others are just a bunch of button pushers forcing their views of America by blackmailing companies in order to get their way.

Nice going Ted. Glad you got caught. Maybe he can share a cell with Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

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