Merry Christmas, Alice!!!
Merry Christmas to my online Friends and Family!!!
Merry Christmas to my kin, wherever you are!!!
This actually turned out to be a good Christmas, even through my grumpiness and complaining. My only regret is not being able to get Carolyn a present... she understands, though. Maybe next year...
Today, I will visit my aunt and give her jars of locally made jelly, jams, and such. She and my cousin always make candy and cake for us.
I've still got a lot of software to install and settings to tweak. I'm getting too old for this malarkey. I'm in no hurry as I still have my reliable Linux computer. I can't do all the business stuff from it due to not having a version of Quickbooks that will run well there. Other than that, the free-of-cost Ubuntu Linux is a much better operating system than Windows. I don't use Internet Explorer, preferring the free and secure Firefox instead. Firefox is on all my computers. Besides, Ubuntu has Mahjong installed.
With Ubuntu on your machine, you don't need a stack of disks to install software; it is basically a two click process. Linux has plenty of free software, including a very good genealogy program called Gramps, that will import LDS type files. It comes with Open Office already installed. OO will read and write to most MS Office files. Google has versions of Picasa and Goggle Earth for Linux. Basically, anything you can do with Windows, you can do it faster and more securely with Linux.
Have a wonderful day, Ken. ;-)
Thanks, Kathleen. Hope you came through all right... :-)
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