Wednesday, September 05, 2007

8:25--This morning, I am in a pensive mood. Something isn't quite right and I can't put my finger on it. Have I forgotten something important? Have I said the wrong thing to someone? This is creepy!

I have nothing to do today except time sheets and payroll. I will drive Carolyn to look at a new job prospect so that she may place a bid, and we will deliver supplies to one of her projects in Elizabethton and then hand-deliver a bid for another prospect. That will conclude my importance for today. But still, something is crawling around the periphery of my mind...


10:54--I've yet to accomplish a thing today. I'm thinking of buying a new camera, an slr, which I don't need. Cripes, I need other things. I'm glad that I am not the type of person that buys something to "cheer me up". If so, I would already own everything.


2:46--We delivered the bid, checked out the new possible, and delivered supplies to Elizabethton. Still haven't done the time sheets or figured the payroll. Time is on my side.


A while back, I was honored to know one of my photos is being considered for publication in a magazine. The writer is a Flickr contact and journalist living and working in Europe. Apparently where she lives, Flickr hasn't caught on..., yet. Her article will concern the Flickr phenomena that is so popular in the USA, and she invited 10 of her contacts whom she considered as serious about photography to answer a short questionnaire and submit a photograph for publication. Being bashful and reclusive, it took me about a second to say yes. I'm such a pushover. Who knows, maybe hogslopper will become a household name in European countries like it is here in the good old USA.

9:42--Finally got the time sheets done and the payroll ready to print. Damn, I'm talented.

For anyone that cares, I put a chapter of my defunct novel on Lord Bubbha. If you don't like explicit sexual content, DON'T READ IT!


Anonymous said...

I know that feeling..... I have a whiteboard and pen in my kitchen and write down so many reminders... and I'm not talking about a shopping list - that goes on a separate piece of paper.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Trudy.
I have a little tsr program on the computer that reminds me to do this or that, and it nags me to tears until I fulfill its wishes. I am a victim of technology.

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