Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Ford has introduced a new car model in Europe that gets 65 mi/gal, according to company hype. As you may imagine, it is a very small car and would be great for short commutes and such, even in the SUV plagued United States. It meets US emission specs, but it won't be sold here ...; it is diesel powered.

A few years back, the oil companies jumped on the environmentalist's band wagon and "convinced" their Congressional puppets to levy a huge tax on diesel fuel. Big oil's and environmental lobbyists were "concerned" about the pollution of diesel engines, which was a problem at the time. Since then, technology has caught up with the difficulty and bad emissions have been reduced many fold.

The real reason behind the big oil concern is profit. It costs much more to refine gasoline than it does diesel fuel, therefore they place a larger at-the-pump profit on gas. As long as the diesel tax is inflated, the oil companies can publicly blame the government for something they endorse in private. They not only endorse it, but also enforce it through huge "donations" to politicians. This is unlikely to change with the new Congress or administration.

If you want it to change, you personally must contact your Congressional representative and your Senator and let them know that enough is enough! I did so.

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